Marvel Events Timeline
The Podcast Examining the Timely, Atlas and Marvel Comics Universe One Event at a Time!

Secret Origins

The Pilot Episode for The Marvel Events Timeline

3 years ago

Secret Origins

Welcome to Marvel Events Timeline. Travis and Bryon are thrilled to be your guides through the Timely, Atlas and Marvel Comics universe. This is our pilot episode, and it’s an introduction to who we are as podcasters and comic book readers. We hope you enjoy this episode and come back for more! If you want in on the conversation join our Facebook group: Baxter Building Breakroom.

Next Time! The Original Two - The Human Torch and Namor the Sub-Mariner

We’re on Twitter and Instagram @MarvelEventsPod

Music by Scott Tofte Intro/Outro voiceover by Johnie Powers

Check out the hosts other shows! Travis - Reel Comic Heroes Bryon - Marine Corps Movie Minute

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